Books to Build a Community of Learners

It’s no secret that I love books!

I especially love books that help my students understand kindness, community, friendships, and teach valuable life lessons.

Books and read alouds to help teach students kindness, growth mindset, friendship, rules, routines, and expectations. Great for building a community in your classroom.

The follow list of books is pretty extensive back-to-school read aloud list. I don’t read these all in one day, but rather spread them out over the course of the first few weeks of school, and then re-read them as needed throughout the year.

We don’t have to be best friends or even like each other.

But we will be kind and respectful.

These books all help:

  • Foster a sense of community
  • Build relationships between students
  • Build relationships between students and teachers
  • Teach kindness
  • Teach rules and expectations
  • Cultivate a respect and appreciation for differences
Throughout this post, you’ll find Amazon Affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission if you purchase something through that link, at no extra cost to you, that helps keep my blog running and helps fund giveaways!

Books and read alouds to help teach students about friendship and kindness. Great for building a community in your classroom.

Friendship & Kindness

Books and read alouds to help teach students about growth mindset. Great for building a community in your classroom.

Growth Mindset

Books and read alouds to help teach students rules, routines, and expectations. Great for building a community in your classroom.Books and read alouds to help teach students rules, routines, and expectations. Great for building a community in your classroom.

Classroom Management

Books and read alouds for the first day of school, and the first week of school. Great for building a community in your classroom.Books and read alouds for the first day of school, and the first week of school. Great for building a community in your classroom.

First Day of School


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